Distinguished Revolver

Distinguished Pistol

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 revised for 2024- FAQ for newbies

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Guns etc. for Sale
- updated 12/1/24

State Champions

NJ Outdoor Champ


    Click on the year below for results and photos:

1998 - 6 competitors - overall winner (and resident Champion) Dave Lange 2535-96X

1999 - 58 competitors - overall winner (and resident Champion) Dave Lange 2588-99X

                    Leg Match - 5 Legs: Joel Furman (10 points) 268-6X    

2000 - 43 competitors - overall winner (and resident Champion) Dave Lange 2620-128X

                    Leg Match - 5 Legs: Rick Mingeram (10 points) 268-3X    

2001 - 45 competitors - overall winner (and resident Champion) Dave Lange 2620-128X

                    Leg Match - 3 Legs: Mike Vogen (10 points) 278-4X

2002 - 64 competitors - overall winner (and resident Champion) Dave Lange 2637-118X

                    Leg Match winner: Chris Sobers - 280-8X, 6 Legs: Jim Aglione (10 points) 275-8X

2003 - 77 competitors - overall winner Al Dorman 2625-120X

                    Leg Match winner: Chris Sobers - 277-4X, 6 Legs: Dan Toole (10 points) 270-6X

2004 - 116 competitors - overall winner Col. Joe Chang, USAF, 2644-134X

                    Leg Match winner: Joe Chang - 284-9X, 7 Legs: Jim Cronin (10 points) 274-8X
DR Match winner: Brian Keyser - 277-5,  6 Legs: Brian Keyser (10 points) 277-5

2005 - 113 competitors - overall winner (and resident Champion) Dave Lange 2657-131X

                    Leg Match winner: Rich Kang - 286-10X,  5 Legs: Ron Reese (10 points) 269-2X
DR Match winner: Chris Sobers - 277-7,  6 Legs: Chris Sobers (10 points) 277-2

2006- 122 competitors - overall winner (and resident Champion) Dave Lange 2639-117X

                    Leg Match winner: Kathy Chatterton - 284-7X, 5 Legs: John Gunn III (10 points) 272-6X
DR Match winner: Rich Kang - 278-4,  6 Legs: Kevin Ball (10 points) 271-3

2007- 90 competitors - overall winner Brian Zins, USMC, 2645-154X

                    Leg Match winner: Brian Keyser - 286-8X, 4 Legs: Ken Hoffman (8 points) 259-8X and John Ahern (6 points) 265-3X
DR Match winner: Rich Kang-281-6,  3 Legs: Tom Mazzitelli 263-3

2008- 93 competitors - overall winner Ron Steinbrecher, 2628-120X

                    Leg Match winner Dave Lange - 287-10X, 5 Legs: Mike Westock (10 points) 268-10X
DR Match winner: Brian Keyser 275-6,  6 Legs: Joe Chang (10 points) 263-2

2009- 116 competitors - overall winner (and resident Champion) Dave Lange, 2636-135X

                    Leg Match winner Dave Lange - 290-10X, 6 Legs: R. Bruce Williams (10 points) 268-6X
DR Match winner: Rich Kang 280-6,  7 Legs: John Hlinka (10 points) 263-3

2010- 114 competitors - overall winner Ron Steinbrecher, 2632-110X

                    Leg Match winner Dave Lange - 285-5X, 5 Legs: Rob Perli (10 points) 277-5X
DR Match winner: Rich Kang 275-8,  6 Legs: Greg Barton (10 points) 269-5

2011- 98 competitors - overall winner (and resident Champion) Dave Lange, 2645-136X

                    Leg Match winner Dave Lange - 296-10X, 5 Legs: Khang "Kent" Le (10 points) 281-6X
DR Match winner: Rich Kang 277-10X,  6 Legs: Charles Tacke (10 points) 270-2

2012- 117 competitors - overall winner (and resident Champion) Dave Lange, 2630-124X

                    Leg Match winner Dave Lange - 284-11X, 6 Legs:  Paul Styner (10 points) 278-8X
DR Match winner: Brian Keyser 283-5X,  6 Legs: Ed Glidden (10 points) 273-4

2013- 128 competitors - overall winner (and resident Champion) Dave Lange, 2653-132X

                    Leg Match winner Joe Chang - 282-6X, 5 Legs:  Teresa Chambers (10 points) 262-3X
DR Match winner: Brian Keyser 282-10X,  6 Legs: Wes Fleming (10 points) 270-4

2014- 121 competitors - overall winner (and resident Champion) Dave Lange, 2659-140X

                    Leg Match winner Rich Kang - 287-10X, 4 Legs:  Adam Kopstein (10 points) 265-6X
DR Match winner: Dave Lange 279-5X,  5 Legs: Eric Verhasselt (10 points) 270-7X

2015- 100 competitors - overall winner Rich Kang, 2630-109X

                      .22 EIC Match winner Konstantin Pitsoulis - 289-6X, 7 Legs:  Konstantin Pitsoulis (10 points) attaining Distinguished
Leg Match winner: Rich Kang - 287-12X, 3 Legs:  Andrew Esposito (8 points) 267-4X
DR Match winner: Rich Kang 286-8X,  4 Legs: Eric Verhasselt (10 points) 268-5X attaining Distinguished

2016- 108 competitors - overall winner (and resident Champion) Dave Lange, 2651-132X

                      .22 EIC Match winner Dave Lange - 291-12X, 7 Legs:  Gary LaRocca (10 points) 290-8X
Leg Match winner: Rich Kang - 287-10X, 3 Legs:  Keith Stern (8 points) 258-3X
DR Match winner: Dave Lange 284-12X,  4 Legs: Keith Stern (10 points) 262-6X

2017- 109 competitors - overall winner (and resident Champion) Dave Lange, 2628-119X

                      .22 EIC Match winner Dave Lange - 296-9X, 6 Legs:  Bruce Martindale (10 points) 291-7X
Leg Match winner: Konstantin Pitsoulis - 284-10X, 3 Legs:  Yoketing E (8 points) 278-5X
DR Match winner: Dave Lange 281-8X,  3 Legs: Shane Murphy (10 points) 267-4X

2018- 114 competitors - overall winner (and resident Champion) Dave Lange, 2637-134X

                      .22 EIC Match winner Dave Lange - 290-11X, 5 Legs:  Yoketing E (10 points) 285-5X
Leg Match winner: Dave Lange - 290-6X, 2 Legs:  Gary LaRocca (8 points) 278-4X
DR Match winner: Dave Lange 289-7X,  2 Legs: Shane Murphy (8 points) 263-3X 

2019- 120 competitors - overall winner Rich Kang, 2625-121X

                      .22 EIC Match winner Dave Lange - 290-8X, 6 Legs:  Devin LaCross (10 points) 287-7X (as a JUNIOR!)
Leg Match winner: Konstantin Pitsoulis - 289-8X, 2 Legs:  Arthur T (8 points) 265-2X
DR Match winner: Brian Keyser 278-5X,  2 Legs: Gary LaRocca (8 points) 261-5X 

2020- 83 competitors (amid COVID19) - overall winner Dave Lange, 2632-105X

                      .22 EIC Match winner Rich Kang - 287-9X, 4 Legs:  John Stewart (10 points) 275-3X
Leg Match winner: Dave Lange - 284-8X, 2 Legs:  Valerie Bernhardt (8 points) 265-6X
DR Match winner: Dave Lange 285-10X,  2 Legs: Daniel Peck (8 points) 269-3X 

2021- 91 competitors  - overall winner Rich Kang, 2617-117X

                      .22 EIC Match winner Dave Lange - 291-10X, 4 Legs:  Daniel Peck (10 points) 276-7X
Leg Match winner: Rich Kang - 287-11X, 1 Leg:  Vince S (6 points) 258-3X
DR Match winner: Dave Lange 285-10X,  2 Legs: Al K (8 points) 262-5X 

2022- 91 competitors  - overall winner Rich Kang, 2603-105X

                      .22 EIC Match winner Dave Lange - 290-13X, 4 Legs:  Daniel Peck (10 points) 274-6X
SP Leg Match winner: Dave Lange - 279-4X, 2 Legs:  George M (8 points) 266-3X
DR Match winner: Roy L 268-6X,  2 Legs: Roy L (8 points)
Service Revolver EIC Match winner: Dave Lange 370-11X,  2 Legs: Daniel Peck (8 points) 355-3X 

2023- 90 competitors  - overall winner Dave Lange, 2627-103X

                      .22 EIC Match winner David M (from VA) - 287-8X, 3 Legs:  David M (8 points) 287-8X
SP Leg Match winner: Dave Lange - 283-8X, 1 Leg:  Atiba C (6 points) 259-7X
DR Match winner: Dave Lange 283-9X,  1 Leg: Daniel Peck (6 points) 256-3X
Service Revolver EIC Match winner: Rich Kang 370-2X,  2 Legs: Ted Reineke (8 points) 368-4X 

2024- 105 competitors  - overall winner Dave Lange, 2599-116X

                      .22 EIC Match winner Dave Lange - 294-12X, 4 Legs:  Atiba C (10 points) 279-10X
SP Leg Match winner: Rich Kang - 293-12X, 1 Leg:  Jack S (8 points) 257-6X
DR Match winner: George Meschi 275-2X,  2 Legs: George M (8 points) 275-2X
Service Revolver EIC Match winner: Rich Kang 364-3X,  3 Legs: Roy Leidy (8 points) 348-3X 

Event History

In 1998, when there were only 6 competitors, not even enough non-Distinguished to hold the "Leg" match, State Association (ANJRPC) Pistol Chairman, John Gemmill, and then new shooter, Dave Lange, decided to "make things different".  Both worked tirelessly throughout the year arranging incentives, soliciting private donations for prizes and encouraging new shooters.

In 1999, Dave actually made brass catchers offered as a sign up bonus to the first 50 competitors!

(See 1999 ANJRPC article with photos!)

Sign up incentives ($40 gift certificates to local sporting good stores) continued through 2002, when both days of the event had virtually full firing lines!

By 2003, when the lines were "sold out" with advance reservations practically before the match bulletins were mailed, a third relay was added, and the range's turning target line was extended to accommodate 40 instead of 35!

In 2004, all three days saw filled firing lines (with one-gun shooters "taking shifts!") - The "Madore Cup" was commissioned, and the "Leg" match hereinafter was held in honor of late PA gunsmith, George Madore (who earned his Distinguished Pistol Shot badge with 3 Camp Perry performances.)

In 2005, a fourth day was added on the following weekend!

In 2006 Outdoor Championship was held at South River Pistol Club in South River, NJ for the last time!

In 2007 we held 3 relays at Central Jersey Rifle and Pistol Club in Jackson, and a 4th relay at CRRC in West Windsor!  Dave Lange won his 10th consecutive resident state championship!

In 2008 all four relays were held at CJRPC!  Dr. Nick Abrishamian donated a commemorative custom 1911 to be presented to the overall winner!

      In 2009 CJRPC hosted four relays on consecutive weekends.  In addition to Springfield XDs again going to the top shooter in each class, Vinny Pugliese donated a Ruger Mark III as prize for the Top Junior and Mike Westock donated a $250 "Free Pass to Perry" which was awarded by a drawing to one of our twelve junior competitors!

    In 2010 five relays were held - 3 at CJRPC in Jackson and 2 at a newly refurbished Cherry Ridge Range in Highland Lakes! 

In 2017 NJ Outdoor Championship was held at THREE LOCATIONS for the first time
- 2 relays at Cherry Ridge in Highland Lakes, 2 relays at Square Circle in Gibbsboro and 1 relay at CRRC in West Windsor! 
Dave Lange won his 20th consecutive resident championship!

In 2022 Dave Lange won his 25th consecutive NJ Resident Championship!!

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This website was originally inspired and instituted by Kathy Chatterton

Please send comments or suggestions to:  Mary@njpistol.net